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St. Mary’s Mission Team

The goal of St. Mary’s Mission Team is to create further fellowship within our church community and to present different opportunities to bring people close to Christ.  They also do many outreach projects to minister to those outside St. Mary’s.


School of Christian Living (SOCL)

The SOCL (Sunday School) offers weekly religious studies for children ages 3-18 during the school year.  The lessons are based on Scripture and Catholic tradition, focusing on the love of God and preparing them to be Christians in an evolving world.  They also do service projects for the local community on a monthly basis.


Bible Study

Bible Study is held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month.  The group decides on a theme or a book from scripture and studies to its conclusion.  The group begins at 6pm with homemade soup, bread, and dessert and is followed by 60-90 minutes of study.  All are invited, as no formal Bible knowledge is necessary.  We have also presented the ALPHA program in the past, an international program dedicated to bringing a better understanding of the Christian Faith.


Food Ministry

St. Mary’s provides a monthly Food Ministry to those in need…or to anyone.  On the first Wednesday of every month, as well as Thanksgiving Day, the parish provides a hot, home-cooked meal to anyone who walks through our doors, no questions asked.  Since its inception in 2011, roughly 4000 meals have been served, an average of 72 per meal.


Love of God Sodality

St. Mary’s Love of God Sodality is a women’s group for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament.  Meetings are held monthly every 4th Sunday after 9am Mass.  They sponsor various fundraisers to purchase items for the Sanctuary area of the church, for gifts & donations for appreciated services.  They participate in liturgical processions with lit candles, honoring the Sacrament.  The ladies also show their love of Christ during the Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, held usually on the 1st Sunday of the month.  Ladies 16 and over are encouraged to join. 


Young Men’s Society of the Resurrection (YMSofR)

St. Mary’s is home of Branch #29 of the YMSofR.  Branch #29 is a part of a national organization whose purpose is to unite the men of the PNCC in the endeavor of the perfection of Christian Life.  Locally, they provide assistance at many of the parish fundraisers as well as taking the lead on certain aspects of parish life.  Our Branch helped host the 1st Annual National YMSofR Golf Tournament in August of 2015.  Working with the National YMSofR, much work is done to assist the needs of the children of the PNCC.



Altar Servers, or acolytes, are an essential part of the ministry of St. Mary’s.  Boys and girls, men and women, anyone who feels called to serve the Lord at His altar are invited to do so.  The training is provided by the clergy and assistants.



Lectors provide an important ministry at St. Mary’s, presenting the Old Testament Reading, the Responsorial Psalm, the New Testament Reading, and the Prayers of the Faithful (Intercessions).  Any Confirmed adult is invited to be part of this special ministry of the Word of God.



The choir at St. Mary’s provides beautiful music and responses during Sunday and Holy Day liturgies at St. Mary’s.  They have also sung at community events, to the local firehouses, and at town events.  They practice weekly in the evenings.  They participate in Diocesan functions, such as the bi-yearly Concert of the Western Diocese and National events, such as the National United Choirs Workshop and Concert, held in cities across the United States.



The Parent-Teacher Organization supports our School of Christian Living and sponsors several special events throughout the year such as the Christmas Party and Easter Egg Hunt.


Youth Group

St. Mary’s Youth Group is a social and community-building organization for youth from grade school through (and past) high school.  They participate in many parish events, as well as attending the bi-yearly Western Diocesan Youth Gathering and the bi-yearly National Youth Convocations.


Dinner & A Car Show




Pierogi & Kielbasa Making


Polish Dinner/Buffet


Charity in Action

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